SIR – As the Odeon debate rumbles on with increasing acrimony, we can now be sure that all the arguments have been fully expressed by all the parties and it is time for a resolution. At the heart of it must be an aim to recognise the views of the local people, so why not just ask them?

If a local ballot were held, run by the Electoral Reform Society on a one-vote-per-household basis, every council tax payer would have the opportunity to vote for one of the proposed schemes, with all parties committed to accept the result, and that should be an end to it. It would cost a few quid to conduct it – but it’s currently costing many futile thousands in staff time, consultants, lawyers and PR gurus getting nowhere, so what’s to lose?

The cost could even be shared across all the groups involved, with Bradford Council, Yorkshire Forward, BORG and even the T&A each picking up a proportion.

So if we believe in democracy and want to get this issue solved before it consumes every last column-inch of newsprint, let’s just find out what everyone actually wants and make it happen.

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon