SIR – I thought it was a sick joke when I heard that somebody was proposing that “the Milk Snatcher” was going to be given a state funeral, there by putting her in the same league as Queen Victoria, the Queen Mother and our very own Queen Elizabeth.

Have we all forgotten the completely unprepared for Falklands fight, the massive unnecessary loss of life by ordering the Belgrano sinking, the Poll Tax fiasco, the Westland helicopter affair, the banishing from our shores of her very embarrassing son Mark and all the rest of it?

She is not a Goddess, she is a commoner, a politician. My only hope is that when the time comes our very gallant, very stretched, very much appreciated Armed Forces will all be on active service and unable to line up along the route.

One thing she can claim credit for is that never again can the trade union movement be blamed for causing a recession for, as we all now know to our cost, it is, and always has been, the fault of greedy bankers.

Alan Holdsworth, Sandside Close, Parkway, Bradford