SIR – Mike Priestley’s North of Watford (T&A, May 31) was spot on. The Eurovision Song Contest has become a laughing stock and should be scrapped immediately.

As for the 2012 Olympics, it was well understood that the cost of the aquatics centre of £73 million when the bid was accepted in 2004 would escalate, but to £242 million and rising?

It is outrageous. As Mike Priestley points out, it doesn’t end there – the footbridge will cost a further £61 million.

Then there is the seating and no doubt many other fixtures.

Yes, we will all be paying for this extortionate exercise for years to come. The French, who had high hopes of winning the bid, don’t know how lucky they are to have lost out! Philomena Hingston, Leaventhorpe Avenue, Fairweather Green, Bradford