SIR – Re your ‘spoof’ piece loosely referring to the wedding of Wayne Rooney and Colleen McLoughlin (T&A, June 13).

I am not a fan of the media coverage of the private lives of footballers and other ‘celebs’, but this was particularly distasteful, offensive and not remotely funny.

We need to be asking why this glamour continues to provide such entertainment, why Premier League footballers command such obscene salaries, how the beautiful game has been hijacked by big business away from its working class roots? Perhaps the T&A should consider addressing these issues rather than making cheap capital out of two young people caught up in this tacky celebrity culture that pervades today.

Wayne and Colleen are otherwise an ordinary young couple that have, as many others, been catapulted into the media spotlight out of all proportion.

I suspect as much damage as good fortune potentially awaits them– we have the salutary example of George Best, the first media-star footballer to reflect on.

I met George at one of his lowest points and it was not a pretty sight.

So start a real debate instead of this cut-price, tacky nonsense.

Lynne Smith, Ashfield Cottages, Bingley