SIR – You really could not make it up! No sooner was the Irish result announced than you had the various EU leaders announcing that they will plough on regardless.

How is that going to win the hearts and minds of the UK voters? It puts Robert Mugabe’s tactics to shame.

So much for listening to the electorate.

I suspect there are many people my age (mid-40s) who have never had a say on this great European adventure, and it looks like we never will be given a voice.

I certainly don’t trust our politicians to do the right thing, and the silence from the Bradford MPs who all voted to deny us all a “promised” referendum is deafening.

I suspect that if Gordon Brown carries on regardless and allows ratification to go ahead he might regret his action. Why? The new EU president could well be Tony Blair! Let’s hope Gordon does the right thing and now gives the UK people a say on this very important treaty.

N P Shaw, Westmoor Avenue, Baildon, Shipley