SIR – On May 30, the European Commission unveiled a pilot project for cross-border electronic identity, know as Project STORK, which apparently stands for ‘Secure idenTity acrOss boRders linKed’.

Although the scheme is not currently mandatory, our control-obsessed government has fallen over itself to be one of the first to sign up for this pilot.

The scheme aims to “align and link” national identity systems. Function creep seems to be on the agenda for this project as the European Commission has emphasised systems throughout the EU are used to access a variety of public services such as claiming social security and unemployment benefits or filing tax returns.

I wonder how long it will be until our government’s own ID system will be tied in to the access of our public services?

The fear is if this scheme became EU law it could well be imposed on all EU states, and failure to obtain an ID card could render you a non-citizen of the EU.

Jason Smith, Bradford No2ID Co-ordinator, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury. Bradford