SIR - Three letters (T&A, March 31) referred to the Embryology Bill, and two of these caught my attention.

A G Goldsbrough wrote: "As this is a scientific Bill, just where does religion have any part?"

Julie Smith wrote: " religion is a moral voice, there is no way it should be silenced"

So here again we see the non-believers setting the agenda for all of us! But we are not letting them do that, Christians should claim their democratic right to speak out.

There are hard questions to be answered and the common view must be heard - don't tell us it is too scientific for us.

It is not science versus religion in this case; it is science versus everyone else.

Mr Gldsborough says: "We humans are just one form of animal." Some humans may be, but I'm not - my antecedents were in the Garden of Eden!

He also states that there is no proof for a God hypothesis, but neither is there for evolution!

Further, there is no common ground between plant hybrid and what this Bill proposes.

W Metcalfe, Central Avenue, Shipley