SIR - I was born and brought up in Heaton and recall meeting Stanley King shortly after his election to Bradford Council.

He told me he was nervous about the tasks and his parting comment was: "I hope I can do a reasonable job".

Well, Stanley, you did much more than a reasonable job, and Bradford has much to thank you for.

His comments and judgements have always seemed rational and considerate and I've never heard him beating the party drum or clamouring for self glory.

Stanley represents all I hold dear about the Bradford I knew, but perhaps his retirement is an appropriate time for me to stop wallowing in nostalgia and think more positively about the city's future.

The proposed park and lake, for example, seems to be an imaginative and realistic project for two reasons. Firstly, there may not be a huge demand for more shops, offices or housing in that part of the city. Secondly, the centre would benefit from a small park.

In a strange way, it's reassuring to read in other newspapers in the region, plenty of cynical comments from readers about the current state and future of their towns and cities.

Malcolm May, Curly Hill, Ilkley