SIR - I am indebted to UKIP's Jason Smith for enlightening me as to the lowlights' of the Lisbon Treaty, ie: "Empowering the EU to act as a state." Really? In all aspects? This might cause some qualms or a need not to cooperate if acting against UK national interests; "Makes us all citizens of the EU." As well as subjects of the Queen or Prime Minister. So what?

"Creates a Union Parliament." Isn't there a European Parliament now? So what?

"Creates a Union President." So what?; "Creates a civil rights code." So what?

"Makes a national parliament subordinate to the new Union." Only if you let it in any important aspect and didn't refuse to kow-tow to silly regulations.

The French and others refuse to bow to EU rulings now. Why worry unnecessarily? So just what is the problem?

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon