SIR - Like Mr Sadiwink (T&A, March 6) I have suffered more crimes in the last ten years than ever before and I have reluctantly stopped pestering the police when it's deemed "anti-social", even though, in former years, it would have been regarded a genuine crime.

We've all heard the saying about statistics and lies. Perhaps it's just political spin - but those who suffer crime know the real score; crime is definitely not going down.

Mr Holmans (T&A, March 25) talks wholeheartedly about favourable crime surveys, while people are being advised to go to bed with their car-keys, take out their satnav systems from their cars and tear every unsolicited letter to smithereens.

I've never been asked to fill in a crime survey, and doubtless never has Mr Sadiwink.

Maybe Mr Holmans takes glee in "rattling people's cages" as he insultingly puts it - but decent citizens should be on the same side against the criminals and willing to acknowledge the true situation we find ourselves in.

John Masters, Kirk Lane, Yeadon