SIR - In these days of somewhat reckless supply of monies, it is indeed a definite breath of fresh air for me to put on record my recent experience.

I received a letter from one of my credit card companies stating that my card was temporarily suspended, and would I give them a ring. I duly followed these instructions, not knowing why such action had taken place.

I was informed that they had come across a transaction which seemed out of place with my normal buying pattern, and had taken this action until the matter was cleared.

They were in fact correct. The debit was not mine, and I am subsequently being supplied with a new credit card.

The most amazing thing regarding this erroneous transaction is that it was for a mere £1.

I cannot but commend them for their diligence in looking after my and their money.

A G Goldsbrough, Dale Court, Fieldway, Ilkley