SIR - Following on from your article about the proposed development at Close Head Lane, Thornton (T&A, March 25), I would also like to bring to your attention that letters have been sent to Bradford Council, informing them that we are submitting a formal complaint against them.

We feel strongly that the points put forward to oppose this development we're completely disregarded.

The environment was not the only factor, road safety was a very big issue along with many others which we will be taking up with the Local Government Ombudsman.

However, we do not feel enough attention has been paid to the environment and safety or other things that matter i.e. no rooms in schools, doctors or dentists, surplus housing to requirements.

As residents of Thornton, we are the very people who have to live with this and we will continue to spend as much time and money as needed in opposing this development.

Natalie Thornton, Close Head, Thornton