SIR - At last, a promising and achievable plan for the Odeon.

Why does it take our own Bradfordians to come up with an attractive plan when we, the rate payers, pay the likes of Maud Marshall to come up with dream schemes which are too expensive and controversial and still no progress after all this talking?

BORG's plan for the Odeon could be achieved in a reasonable time span and provide much-needed facilities for this part of Bradford, which have been promised for many years now.

The plan would also fit nicely with the proposed expansion of Bradford College. The two plans would give Bradfordians something new to be proud of and we certainly could do with a boost to morale.

So hold back on demolition; see what can result from this offer and hope that it will succeed, as I am certain it could with a little help and support instead of negative obstruction and criticism from councillors, and so help to regenerate at least part of Bradford.

J Simmonite, Heathmoor Close, Idle