SIR - Bus drivers appear subject to ceaseless stress, harassment and, all too often, downright abuse. I don't know what they're paid but even if raised to £20 an hour it wouldn't be half enough. What compels me to write is a mindless act. At around 2pm on Friday, March 26, a motorist decided to park, not on the turning circle opposite Bierley Hall Woods, nor at the car-parking area all of 100 metres away, but actually in the small loop which allows the 620 service to change direction.

As there is no alternative route and said motorist didn't reappear for at least half an hour, the drivers of not one, not two but three buses plus their respective passengers awaited this return with ever-keener asperity.

This mood was nothing, however, when compared with that forcefully expressed to the first driver as he approached subsequent bus stops on the way to the Interchange.

No-one can know precisely, but I'd estimate that dozens of us wasted, on average, 30 minutes of our lives along that route all because of one action of one anti-social, wantonly irresponsible and supremely selfish person!

Derek Konig, Shetcliffe Lane, Bierley