SIR - I was disappointed not to read more reaction to the excellent BBC series White Season.

The point of the broadcasts was to allow white, working-class voters the opportunity to express their opinions and concerns about key issues such as immigration.

The fact that many feel they have been adversely affected by the excesses of Labour's commitment to a multicultural society, and feel changes were imposed far too rapidly, have all been documented previously.

This time the BBC wanted to explore if traditional ties between the working class and the Labour movement had been broken, and question whether or not working class people still felt Labour had their interests at heart. The resounding answer was no!

I have spoken to hundreds of constituents who feel their concerns over immigration and the subsequent segregation of society are invariably ignored. The programmes allowed ordinary people to repeat this message and express why they felt Labour never listens.

Councillor Dave Green responded with: "The perceptions of the people out there are different from what I think people would argue is reality."

What nonsense - just the kind of Socialist response the programme-makers were out to expose, namely that Labour remains completely out of touch.

Andrew Clarke (Bradford Representative, English Democrats), Halifax Road, Bradford