SIR - After my recent letter regarding the weird restrictions on the use of Market Street, it suddenly occurred to me that these restrictions could well be one of the reasons - besides the complete lack of a decent selection of shops of a reasonable standard - why people avoid Bradford!

Consider potential shoppers/visitors coming from North Yorkshire, Lancashire, Skipton, Keighley, Bingley or even Shipley.

They are likely to approach via Manningham Lane, Manor Row and Cheapside. Finding the Forster Square dereliction and following the road to the left in the hope of getting to the Bradford shops, they are likely to find themselves on the Shipley Airedale road.

So, turning right in the hope of getting back, they are likely to come to one of Leeds roads and go off to Owlcotes, or Leeds, or pressing on, go to the White Rose Centre, Wakefield, even Huddersfield or Halifax before they manage to get to the centre of Bradford!

And, after all, they are likely to find more and better shops in any of those places, but it is a complete loss to our city.

Ian R McDougall, Hawkswood Avenue, Heaton, Bradford