SIR - The report headed "Post Office closure battle" (T&A, January 7) is symptomatic of the overall political vacuum which exists in City Hall.

Is there any wonder that so little is achieved in our once proud city?

Kris Hopkins, the Council leader supports the campaign against closures, as I believe, does the rest of the electorate in Bradford.

Ian Greenwood, the Labour leader rejects Kris Hopkins' comments out of hand, alleging political electioneering and calls for his resignation as Council leader. The Lib/Dems choose not to comment!

Exactly the same scenario occurs daily at Westminster, with Gordon Brown and David Cameron at each other's throats like "cat and dog" (or overgrown schoolboys, if you prefer).

I have always been in favour of the historic British democratic system of government, but frankly, the current spoiling tactics by politicians, locally and nationally, are rendering it ineffectual.

Unless the situation changes, Britain may have to look for some alteration to the present failing politically flawed system.

Locally, should the citizens of Bradford continue to put up with the shambles in City Hall?

D L R Hirst, Willow Avenue, Idle Moor, Bradford