SIR - It's that time of year again. Lots of hard-working and under-valued public sector workers, such as the police are told by Gordon Brown's Government to restrict their pay settlements to 1.9 per cent.

English pensioners, who have one of the lowest pensions and the worst concessions in Europe, have once again, been offered an insultingly poor increase, one that fails to help them cope with huge rises in fuel costs, that force some of them to choose between food, or heat, to stay alive.

But, of course, the same greedy MPs, who benefit from huge, tax-free expenses, over-generous pensions and long holidays, as well as other perks, will be able to vote themselves a large increase to their already high salaries.

I challenge all our local MPs to inform the people of Bradford just how they will vote on this increase in their pay and how they can justify this injustice.

After all, they are already extremely well paid.

Dave Murgatroyd, Briarwood Drive, Wibsey