SIR - We currently have a government who appear to have completely abandoned any idea of the standards that we should expect from people who we trust to govern in our interests.

Listening to PMQs is becoming so frustrating as the single talent of the PM appears to be the ability to counter any questioning of the government`s performance with blatant lies and pre-prepared statistical waffle.

They have adopted the tactics of smear and taken it to a whole new level and as for their senior ministers, their diplomatic skills are non existent!

Regardless of the fact that Russia is the likely culprit in the Sergei Skripal affair, our Foreign secretary and Defence secretary have, with their lack of any diplomacy, managed to turn the whole of Russia firmly against the UK. A favour that I'm sure Mr Putin will thank them for.

Brexit has become more and more a tool to be used to appease the party`s warring factions, with the end result highly likely to be an economic and cultural disaster for the country.

Will Theresa May be remembered as the worst PM in history?

Colin Durkin, Moffat Close, Bradford