SIR – John Hall asks what happens when I am wrong about Brexit (Letters, February 21).

To be truthful, John, I haven’t a clue. I simply observe and comment from a Brexiteer standpoint. There are too many imponder-ables swirling around Brexit for anyone to predict the outcome with any certainty.

Brexit, apart the political landscape of the EU, is in such a state of flux that we could well be dealing with lots of new faces in a totally dysfunctional and disintegrating club of nations before the year is out.

The present situation is hardly helped by the threats of a £51billion exit charge and disparate European leaders uniting in promising a hard road ahead for the UK.

In reality we can only watch and wait. In the meantime we should keep calm and carry on with our Brexit discourse if only for the amusement afforded.

Joe Woollard, Bogthorn, Keighley