SIR – This is a letter full of hope and nice things happening.

It’s John Street Market, I can’t call it anything else.

Just to see the butchers and the greengrocers doing such good trading and the stalls so cheap. I thought with Morrisons closing it would be the end but no way. I’m so delighted.

I am of an age that I remember in the same spot was the open market where you could buy a rabbit or a bird all alive, or a tea-set, and the traders laughing and joking.

Saturdays were a joy. No Brexit or politics, just happy people.

A drop-in centre on John Street to sit in an armchair, have a cuppa for 50p. We have so much going for us, let’s be grateful.

Long live John Street Market. Enjoy the nice things we have, they far outweigh the bad.

Susan Bannon, Glynn Terrace, Bradford