SIR - Donald Trump chose to be deliberately abusive, offensive and insulting to many while campaigning for the US Presidency.
He cannot expect this to be quietly forgotten and set aside, while being treated like any other President now.
For, his deliberately divisive, confrontational style was central to getting people to back him in the first place and even lies at the heart of many of his policies.
But, though he gained a lot of supporters, he also created many new opponents and enemies at home and abroad. No-one is neutral regarding ‘President’ Trump.
Yes, he was democratically elected and now leads an ally, but his character and his behaviour so overwhelmingly dominate that this is bound to affect the way people deal with him as President. He surely cannot be surprised. Polarising and demonising people was his particular modus operandi and now HE is being condemned with many wanting to see him ostracised. Now a hostile backlash is under way. As the phrase goes, “As you sow, so shall you reap.”
David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose