SIR - Re the story urging smokers to think of others (T&A, June 14), I found Councillor Anne Hawkesworth's comment cheeky to say the least, Non-smokers, not content to have smoking and non-smoking areas, now don't want us congregating around the doors and other outside places.

I know the article didn't say it, but I believe this is the start of another campaign against smokers by pointing out how some are uncaring and drop fag ends all over the place.

At least most smokers know where to drop their litter - in the ash trays - so it doesn't take a genius to put something outside to catch the fag ends, or does that require planning permission?

Of all society that gets drunk and lays on pavements, begs, drops needles, cuts people up on the roads, blares music everywhere, fights and hassles in the street, etc, we lowly smokers cause the least nuisance, chatting and smoking outside, compared to them. They are also a drain on the health service, a service tobacco tax more than pays for.

My answer, as a smoker, is to ban cigarettes altogether. Then watch the services deplete of finance.

H Clough, Knowles Lane, Bradford