SIR - The report about the response rate from MPs regarding e-mail enquiries (T&A, June 15) was rather illuminating.

Keighley's Ann Cryer came out the worst of our local MPs. Naturally she rubbished the independent website that monitors such activity.

She reminded me of a typical restaurateur whose business had qualified for a very low star rating on the Council's new hygiene records public list (T&A, June 14), saying "not calculated properly", and then blaming the system.

Mrs Cryer needs to do better.

However, an area where she actually did much better was her very high claim for MP's expenses, top in our Metro area. Well done.

The same evening your paper told us she was the only MP to support the official Olympic logo, which a substantial majority of people condemn.

To sum up, Mrs Cryer is expensive, shows a lack of care towards her constituents, and is clearly out of touch with society in general.

Contrast her record against her neighbouring MP for Shipley, Philip Davies, and immediately the reverse is true.

He was third in the UK for dealing with enquiries, with expenses about £50K lower and he dislikes the logo.

Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley