SIR - While we all celebrate the belated award of a knighthood to Ian Botham, the colourful saviour of England's cricket on more than one occasion, let us not forget the vital contribution from one of our own to this success.

As a wayward young player at Somerset, Botham was schooled, counselled, cajoled and encouraged by Brian Close, probably the bravest man ever to don whites in the interests of his county and country.

For his charity work too, Botham more than deserves this honour, but I hope he will pause for a moment to remember just how much his spectacular career owes to Closey's patient and dedicated encouragement at the outset.

So give him a call, Beefy - you'd probably have been locked in the Tower, rather than kneeling at the Palace, if it weren't for the Baildon hard-case, Brian Close.

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon