SIR - I am staggered Councillor Mallinson is excited because 3,000 people support the plans for Centenary Square. He describes the response as "fantastic".

Tony Reeves, the chief executive, also describes the feedback as fantastic.

Do they feel the same way because, only about for years ago, more than 6,000 signed a petition demanding the refurbishment of the Odeon building.

I am sure that these two officials are aware there are more than 400,000 residents of this city, therefore, the response only represents a minute proportion of the population and cannot be described as "fantastic".

I also fear that to tell the Big Lottery Fund that "we have your support" is a distortion of the truth.

If these are the sort of people running this city, no wonder it is in a mess. Winston Churchill said you can fool some of the people sometimes, but not all the people all the time.

As for regeneration, all we have and will have for a long time is a pile of rubble.

I suggest they clear the rubble, dig a big hole and fill it with water - hey presto, a lake and it won't cost hundreds of millions of pounds.

R Binns, Thornbridge Mews, Bradford