SIR – In their newly-published manifesto, the Conservatives have revealed they plan to ‘examine’ whether people with mental health, drug or alcohol problems should be compelled to seek and receive treatment.

It was reported in the press that 60 leading doctors have opposed this idea in a letter signed by GPs, public health specialists and psychiatrists. The letter argues that it is, “wholly inappropriate to threaten the withdrawal of benefits in order to influence that decision.”

Susie Orbach, a leading psychoanalyst and signatory of the letter said, that this manifesto pledge “undermines a fundamental principal” of medical care – the ability of patients to give informed and willing consent, which has always underpinned every aspect of treatment offered to patients by GPs, specialists or hospitals.

It could also be argued surely, that it is only with this patient agreement (free from coercion ) that some treatments have any chance of being successful. And, without that, isn’t a lot of public money likely to be wasted on these medical treatments themselves?

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose