SIR - There seems to be a proliferation of letters from Ukip supporters hailing Australia’s immigration policies.

But wait a minute, the rulers of Australia have a past that invaded and occupied a territory where an indigenous people had lived continuous for thousands of years.

A third of Aboriginal children were forcefully removed from their families between 1910 and 1970, making a total of 100,000 stolen children, placed in white missions, institutions and foster homes.

The children were forced into a form of slavery, often physically and sexually abused and denied protection by the state.

Now we hear that the British Government and Ukip supports the European Union’s policy of not picking up refugees in the Mediterranean sea where around 1,500 have died this year fleeing poverty and war.

This is the true meaning of immigration controls.

We hear lots of statistics in the run up to the general election but very little compassion.

Many of the countries in Europe claim to be Christian, but when it comes to drowning refugees at sea it appears there is no room at the inn.

John Appleyard, Firthcliffe Parade, Liversedge