SIR – COLIN Durkin and Brian Holmas, (Letters, March 31), appear both confused and are again ignoring important facts.

To Mr Durkin, (who says, “the people of this country” didn’t vote for the coalition Government): Pray tell: when did “the people of this country” – or rather a majority of them – vote for ANY Government. (I certainly don’t know, but suspect it was before 1900). Isn’t your criticism total drivel?

Apologies to Mr Holmas, but I paid little attention to George Osborne and his Tory, anti-government propaganda in 2006. I was drawn in amazement however, to Labour’s Ed Balls and HIS calling for a light touch and lack of regulation of the financial markets!

I believe that Labour were in power when the financial crash happened Were they really taking orders from the Tories, (George Osborne), over the appropriate lack of regulation?

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon