SIR – Keith Thomson’s recent Enviro-Watch column in the T&A was particularly thought-provoking. Titled, “Cold comfort for the planet as we take path of least effort,” it was an extremely well-argued case about how climate change is not being taken seriously enough, with an admonishment for most of us!

Generally, human nature leads people to be optimistic and look on the bright side which is good. Sometimes, however, it can be just the opposite when we prefer to ignore inconvenient, obvious problems, turning a blind eye and hoping they will just go away or someone else will deal with them for us!

So, how DO we get more people to take climate change seriously right now? Using frightening statistics most probably alarms people and makes some switch off but underplaying the dangers must surely be worse.

People need to be given a lead and feel their efforts are worthwhile enough to make a difference. The trouble is, too many politicians don’t give climate change a high enough priority and prefer not to present the true situation to the public. The issue should certainly feature prominently in the forthcoming General Election campaign.

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose