SIR – I must conclude that Mr Holmes’s (T&A, March 30) anti-socialist views are nurtured on a daily basis by the billionaire propagandists of Fleet Street.

Firstly, the political tide turned against Francoise Hollande because, like Blair and his cronies, Hollande was quickly ‘persuaded’ to the ‘Washington consensus’ following his election.

Mr Holmes should be in no doubt, that it was not the pursuance of ‘socialist policies’ in France that has led to Hollande’s unpopularity – rather, his spineless willingness to commit France to another bombing campaign in the Middle East (ergo – the Charlie Hebdo attack).

France’s problems today are as nothing compared to what will happen to that country if Hollande is dumb enough to try to impose the Washington consensus of privatisation, deregulation and austerity as his parting shot. I would go so far as to suggest we could see Mme Guillotine make a reappearance on the streets of Paris.

On the matter of ‘tax, borrow and spend’, the current shower have borrowed almost £1trillion (one thousand billion!) for your grandchildren and mine to repay. Wealth creation you say?

Christopher Hindle, Osterley Grove, Bradford