SIR – What a sorry tale from Cllr Val Slater (T&A, March 31) whereby at every turn the travellers have cocked a legal snook at the Council.

To put the matter into perspective she should tell us how long it will actually have taken and how much it will have cost us to finally remove the two specified illegal groups.

Cllr Slater admits the council must put the interest of the travellers first for they are a legally protected group and their lawyers manipulate the Human Rights Act to stymie the rules and regulations to which the rest of society must conform.

It was and still is the policy of the Conservative government to repeal the Human Rights Act and rely on the established fairness of traditional British Justice. They have been prevented from so doing by their Liberal coalition partners and the socialist party of which Cllr Slater is a prominent member. It appears the acceptable solution to this problem will be decided through the ballot box.

John Pashley, Westcliffe Avenue, Baildon