SIR - John Hall (Letters, March 27) appears confused and wants to know who was elected into office.

The answer to that one is simple… nobody !

The Tories managed to form a government purely because they were eager to jump into bed with anyone who would hold enough sway to give Cameron the keys to No 10.

The people of this country certainly didn`t vote for Nick Clegg and David Cameron as a double act!

Now they have the brass neck to accuse Labour of wanting to use the SNP as a shoehorn into Downing Street!

An unlikely alliance as this is, it would be far less terrifying than the thought of a Tory/Ukip alliance, and make no mistake, Cameron would have no qualms about entering into that scenario to hang on to power.

It`s not complaining on my part, Mr Hall, and if I’m honest it makes little difference to my circumstances.

It’s merely fear for the less well off in this country if we get stuck with five more years of Tory persecution of the least well off.

The bullies of this world will always target the weakest in society and in that respect the current crop are ruthless in their ideology.

Colin Durkin, Moffat Close, Bradford