SIR - Yes Mr Watson (Letters, March 25), it will obviously be extremely hard for you to read the letters page leading up to the election because the truth really hurts.

The current economic recovery that you refer to is pure myth and in reality we are in a far worse position than when the Tories limped, unelected, into office on the back of a grovelling Nick Clegg who would have jumped into bed with Attila the Hun to get a taste of power!

The use of misleading statistics and bluster cannot paper over the failure of this current government to make good their election promises of 2010, leaving us with cleverly hidden higher borrowing, a tragically failing NHS and a barely altered economic deficit, and this after almost five years of cruelly targeted austerity measures.

Contrary to Osborne`s boasting we actually produce less than most other European countries. Not a sustainable situation or a feasible “long term economic plan’’ that we constantly hear about.

The Tories have only succeeded in leaving the next labour government with a social and economic mess to sort out.

So, we shouldn’t rule out a third term for Cameron….we should vote him and his cronies out now !

Colin Durkin, Moffat Close, Bradford