SIR – I strongly disagree with Joe McHugh’s letter of March 17.

When the Tories came to power the country’s finances were in dire straits thanks to Mr Blair and Mr Brown, the latter responsible for selling off a substantial amount of our Gold Reserve at a time when gold was at a ridiculously low price to help them SPEND, SPEND, SPEND!

We should thank our lucky stars Labour lost the last election otherwise we could now possibly be in a worse state, such as Greece who are reportedly on the verge of bankruptcy.

One term of office is not enough to pick this country up from the mess left by Labour’s 13 years in power. Labour are making big promises but not really or clearly saying where all the money is to come from to pay for them.

We can’t afford to go back, we need to keep moving forward and I feel the Tories are the only party to do this even if it means we have to tighten our belts a little longer, and as pensioners ourselves we know what this means! Sorry, but in my view the only way is the Tory way!

Susan Drake, Leaventhorpe Lane, Thornton