SIR – What a surprisingly left-wing tirade from Christopher Hindle, (Letters, March 13). In the best tradition of socialism he twists or invents “facts” to suit his argument.

Nick Clegg agrees that the Party erred in agreeing to Tory plans to increase Labour’s student tuition fees – though mitigated by help for the worse-off at Lib-Dem insistence. Labour’s plans to reduce fees by £9,000 will principally help better-off graduates and notably does not reduce fees back to the level originally set by Labour. (I wonder why not?).

The coalition occurred despite our winner-takes-all electoral process, not because of it!

Mr Hindle’s knowledge of history is lacking. He ignores Labour’s record and their laissez-faire attitude and poor regulation which was as responsible for the collapse here as US bankers.

He cannot blame the UK Government for global wealth distribution.

I’m sorry that Mr Hindle feels betrayed. I don’t remember Lib-Dems promising to adopt socialist policies.

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Bradford