SIR - The appointment of Elaine McHale as chairman of the Bradford Safeguarding Children Board was made by the then Chief Executive Tony Reeves, who according to him, was supported by the Director of Children’s Services and senior partners from the NHS and Police,who formed the opinion that she was the strongest candidate (T&A, March 11).

That they did not thoroughly check the circumstances relating to her “early retirement with immediate effect” from Wakefield, nor be concerned that in Leicester she was subject to an investigation which led to her “dismissal with immediate effect”, indicates that those making the appointment in Bradford were to say the least slipshod in their assessment of her suitability.

Whilst Reeves has gone, the others involved in allowing a potential risk to vulnerable children , should be named and guidelines established whereby candidates are independently vetted.

John Pashley, Westcliffe Avenue, Baildon