SIR - In reply to Brian Holmas, (“Labour not to blame for crisis”, Letters, March 17). Why so desperate to distort the truth?

Once again we have a left-wing correspondent with selective amnesia! It was Labour’s Ed Balls who told other parties not to call for greater restrictions on the City of London! Why the need to twist the facts? I have never said the financial crisis started here. Why should I have? It clearly didn’t.

When it did start in the USA, we were vulnerable because of Labour’s lack of regulation.

I might also question my socialist friend on the same page, (“Privatisation by the back door”).

Christopher Hindle trots out scare stories of the Coalition wanting to privatise the Health Service. To be balanced, (as if!), he should tell us how much Labour “handed over to a cabal of private healthcare companies to take up the backlog of NHS operations” when they were in power. Were THEY preparing for privatisation?

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon