SIR - Geoffrey Holmes letter (February 23) is a perfect example of propaganda, using the dual ploys of ‘guilty by association’ and ‘guilty by the over-use of glib, Tory, buzz phrases.’

In trying to demonise Ed Miliband (pictured) by association with his late father, Ralph, Mr Holmes invokes all the usual right-wing press buzz phrases such as, Marxist, London School of Economics, Communist Party, Stalin, Red Ken McCluskey, Eric Hobsbawn etc.

This tactic was used recently in a disgraceful attempt to besmirch Ed Miliband because of his father’s political stance Before trying to recreate the Tory glory days ‘of Reds Under The Beds’, I suggest Mr Holmes read a few of Ralph Miliband’s essays, where he will discover a clear and articulate mind.

The ‘class war’ referred to in the article, is more sharply defined since 2008. There are the 1% financial elite (that the Tories grovel on the ground to support) and the rest of us are the 99%.

If Mr Holmes feels his financial status is such as to elevate him to the 1%, I congratulate him.

Christopher Hindle, Osterley Grove, Bradford