SIR - As this unholy coalition government sinks in the West, it is appropriate that Amnesty International’s recent report singles the UK out for special mention.

The report suggests that Britain’s recent fast-tracked expansions to surveillance legislation, allied to cuts which deny the poor access to legal aid, is ‘a recipe for injustice’.

The report goes on to criticise a rise in discriminatory nationalistic policies and suggests nationalism is a device leading to ‘thinly veiled xenophobic attitudes’.

Moreover, the report also criticises Cameron specifically, for his outbursts suggesting a future Tory Government will opt out, or dilute the European Convention on Human Rights.

It would appear that the UK is quickly following our ‘special friends’ down the road to a police surveillance state, organised to protect the wealthiest.

Interestingly, the one per cent actually running the US have recently diverted their attention from simply buying politicians to actually buying and taking over whole US states.

For example, North Carolina was recently ‘taken over’ by the mega-wealthy Koch family under a Republican banner.

The US is clearly regressing to a neo-feudal plutocracy, rather like the Britain of the Middle Ages, where the ‘Lords of the Manor’ are replaced by the wealthiest families in America.

Christopher Hindley, Osterley Grove, Bradford