SIR - I fear that the state of politics in this country has reached the stage where it needs to be completely reinvented, or at least brought up to date.

It’s all very well sticking to the historic ways of Parliament with the “men in tights” and medieval pageantry but let’s face it….the system is broken.

It’s time to relocate the whole shooting match to a modern purpose built Parliament, perhaps outside London and more centrally located around the Midlands. Forget the MP’s second homes and build an apartment block alongside as residential halls for our representatives.

Simply abandon the ultra-expensive HS2 waste of money in order to finance the modernisation of our political system and leave Westminster to the tourist trade, which in turn would bring in enough revenue to finance the upkeep of this crumbling Palace of greed.

It’s about time that it was brought home to these self-serving trough feeders that they should actually work for a living like the rest of us have to.

Colin Durkin, Moffat Close, Bradford