SIR – My socialist friend won’t admit to errors even when they hit him in the face, (Letters, February 20). Rather than admit he was wrong in talking of a Lib-Dem/Tory coalition in City Hall, Christopher Hindle accuses Lib-Dem and Tory councillors of having had a “love affair”.

I was in the council chamber on at least one occasion when Labour climbed into bed with the Tories to defeat a Lib-Dem proposal. Who was getting all lovey-dovey then?

Mr Hindle’s accusations get wilder and wilder: the decline of the city centre is the “Lib-Dem’s Fault”, despite Labour having twice as many councillors and actually running the council for many years!

As for our (Labour) government “being responsible for finance” in other Anglo-saxon countries: don’t be silly! As one of the world’s largest financial centres, London was only partly responsible. Sharing bad habits with our cousins undoubtedly was the undoing of all of us and it happened under Labour’s watch.

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon