SIR - Mr Grice, I fully appreciate your right to back Ukip in the general election (Letters, January 23).

That is your choice in a democracy after all.

As for the main parties not being left or right leaning….well, let’s take a look.

The Tories are hell bent on getting rid of Unions, the welfare state and the NHS and will back the bankers to the hilt!

Labour will go down the minimum-wage route, hold on to the NHS and despite an unwillingness to admit it, back the unions (not something I would disagree with).

As for Ukip, they are merely hoping to latch on to the public`s disillusionment with the mainstream.

Remember a certain Herr Hitler in pre-war Germany?

Don’t be fooled by the rhetoric spouted by Mr Farage (pictured) and his ilk.

Given any power, they would be a great danger to us all in every respect.

Isolationist to the core, we would become European outcasts and completely bankrupt financially and morally.

Colin Durkin, Moffat Close, Bradford