SIR – Your report “Community funds facing a shake-up” (November 21) states that council money “is being distributed more evenly across the district” when in fact the opposite is true.

What it has done is split the funding by constituency so Bradford West receives 24.8%, Bradford East 24.5%, Bradford South 21%, Keighley 16.6% and Shipley 13.1% – so outlying wards are hit yet again by the Labour-run council. The basis of the division of funds penalises success and rewards failure so if you do the right thing, for example by recycling, not dropping litter, working hard at school, not over-eating, being polite to your neighbours, then you are deemed not to need the support of local community centres.

No consideration has been given to the geography of the area or the number of isolated people who don’t have family living nearby. Why not instead of making the criteria fit the outcome, just do a simple five-way split of the total funding so every constituency receives 20%?

Cllr Debbie Davies (Conservative, Baildon ward), Hartlington Court, Baildon