SIR – D S Boyes should stick to facts and not follow Conservative received wisdom (Letters, October 27).

Fact One: people who live on the edge of Wales attend the nearest hospital; often in England.

Fact Two: the NHS in Wales deliberately decided not to follow narrow targets, they felt free to put resources where they felt they are needed, so they were bound to look inferior when measured against targets they had no intention of following. They did this based on clinical best practice.

Fact Three: the Labour Party founded the NHS and tripled spending on it after 18 years of deliberate under-funding under Thatcher and Major governments.

Fact Four: Labour only commissioned private provision in order to get waiting lists down, not to enrich private providers.

Fact Five: under the last Labour government the highest level of user satisfaction ever was recorded, it has gone downhill since.

Ian Parsons, Alexandra Road, Eccleshill