SIR – No-one can see into the future, thank goodness, but if any wonder what life might be like under a future Labour Government they need look no further than Wales where the NHS was one responsibility devolved to its Assembly, which is under rigid Labour control.

The declining standards of care reported are of major concern to senior health professionals and patients alike, with thousands fleeing across the border to English hospitals, just like people of former communist East Germany did before the Berlin wall came down.

Now aged 70, I have only been hospitalised twice, first in 2011, emergency admitted then three weeks in bed, more recently four days for ‘elective’ surgery.

In both cases my medical treatment, personal care, food, etc, was first class, also well within the timescale from GP referral to discharge.

The present scaremongering by Labour over the NHS is all lies, yes there are a few problems but these are being addressed.

As for Labour’s claims over privatisation, who but ‘New’ Labour burdened generations of taxpayers with private finance initiative debts or had over 400,000 surgical procedures done in private clinics at enormous expense to the NHS?

Time to stop using the sick as political footballs Messrs Miliband and Burnham.

D S Boyes, Upper Rodley Lane, Leeds