SIR – I would like to thank the T&A for their support and the many people that signed the petition regarding the closure of Harbourne House (T&A, October 17).

We may have failed in the closure of Harbourne House, postponed till early next year. The only care home and respite for those with mental problems in Bradford.

The only positive thing about the Thursday meeting, the council declared no redundancies at Harbourne as all the wonderful staff will be relocated – no loss of jobs.

So thank you again for supporting us, but the council is wanting to close the two remaining council run homes Holmeview and Neville Grange in the future.

I can recommend you to enlist the T&A’s support, the Alzheimer’s Society help and also the carers in Bradford. You will be helped, as we were.

D Thomas, Dyehouse Fold, Oakenshaw