SIR – Labour’s latest vague promise to do something about immigration sounds like the old adage of trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted.

All the more bizarre when for 13 years in office they were in denial about its detrimental effect on this country, accusing any who objected of being bigots, racists or xenophobes, regardless of real concerns over alien cultural practices.

Also in spite of ordinary workers here experiencing obvious difficulties in jobs, wages, social housing, school places and GP appointments proving them wrong over and over again.

With 10 per cent of our prison population, ie, 80,000 convicts, being foreign nationals they cost the taxpayer £6 million a week to look after, most then can’t be deported because of Labour’s obsession with Human Rights.

Where, when or how Labour’s Damascene conversion came about is unclear, perhaps it’s the reality of the threat from UKIP. But one thing is certain, the Labour Party has no real answers to the problems they have created in the past, it will as ever be up to others to sort them out.

This will have to be done with or without the consent of the EU before it really is too late.

D S Boyes, Upper Rodley Lane, Leeds