SIR – As a result of the horse meat scandal, the former CEO of Tesco promised that by summer 2014 all chicken would be sourced in the UK, including for ready meals.

Visiting the local Tesco Express I see the prepared chicken is produced in South America or the EC. Can we trust this?

Both Bulgaria and Romania are deeply corrupt, especially their business practices. Why won’t Tesco give the exact country? Or is the chicken a mish-mash of several countries?

I bought their frozen cod to later discover it has been produced in Poland! Why can’t it be produced here? That would mean employment opportunities and it would be easier to check on provenance.

The Food Standards Agency received 49 reports of food fraud in 2007. By 2013 it received 1,538! Gangs are investing heavily in the machinery, raw materials and labour necessary to make fake food products.

The Dutch have a unit of 110 staff devoted to investigating food fraud. We, with a much bigger population, have none.

Our dozy parliament – same old story.

T Hope, Harrogate Road, Bradford