SIR – I would like to congratulate Paralympian and British Polio Fellowship ambassador Anne Wafula Strike on receiving her MBE and for using this achievement to make the case for those like herself living with Polio and Post Polio Syndrome (PPS) to have greater access to practical, fashionable clothing.

Access to fashion, like so many other aspects of life, has long been a problem for the disabled. For those like Anne using a wheelchair, there are practical as well as style factors to consider. Anne collected her MBE in a dress created by international designer Izzy Camilleri, a specialist in disabled fashion, which made Anne look fantastic and capped Anne’s efforts to raise awareness of the issue.

By wearing a dress made entirely out of train tickets in July (the first of its kind), Anne called for the needs of those with Polio and PPS to be addressed. Following her MBE, Anne will be joining us at the Palace of Westminster on 22 October, as The British Polio Fellowship marks PPS Day 2014.

For more details or information on The British Polio Fellowship, call us on 0800 018 0586, email at or visit the website at

Ted Hill MBE, CEO of The British Polio Fellowship